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End of the holiday

I saw it first hand! Richard... comimg back... ooh

Saturdays Suck

Argh, it's all starting to make sense!

Super Mario Land!

weebl... what warps. Super mario bros had warps. Super mario land does not. It does however have this long invisible platform in the 3rd world but i cant remember if it's lvls 1 or 2.

Saturdays Suck


Don't you see? The Gnomes were created by the companies that manufacture cable tidy's/elastic bands..... :D :p

Super Mario Land!

What warps are they? The little tunnel things to secret magical bonus coinage? I used those...

Although as Novis said, havent completed hard mode yet :)


Ah, but did you use the warps?

I appear to have been watching this for over 24 hours

badger, badger, badger, badger, mushrooooooom...............But Don't say F*ck or B*gger!


Did anyone else spot the subliminal messages?

Super Mario Land!

Yay for super mario land.
I remember the first time i properly completed that, twas being 'looked after' by neighbours. So i sat and played SML completing it once and then going back and completing it again on the new hard mode. I dont think i could do *that* without dying but the first run might... (this is all asuming you are actually talking about super mario land the gameboy game)

I appear to have been watching this for over 24 hours


Imagine playing this to david blaine for the rest of his 'confinement'....what would that do to a man? ;)


Me love badger dance ^.^


i can't stop listening to this radman


Inkball's great... we recently got a tablet PC at work, and that's all we've used it for so far!


If it makes you feel any better, i didn't get to sleep until 4am... i might not have been doing any work things but trust me i sure as monkeys felt rather groggy this morning.

I appear to have been watching this for over 24 hours

"Aargh! Snake!"

WT*? How the hell do you find these things?


have fun at the conference, I am so jelous :)

Oh My God

That episode's been on quite a lot recently... I saw it not so long ago, and I have to say I was quite surprised how much they'd just chopped out of the film.

We Love Bubble Wrap!

bubble wrap rocks! or rather pops :p

We Love The Library

I still can't see these damned things