The Great Mobile Phone Adventure, Part 2

A couple of weeks ago, I rang up Orange and told them I was off to T-Mobile. Last time I did that, they put me through to their customer retention department, and sorted me out with a fantastic deal which I was very happy with. I was therefore expecting at least some resistance this time, but no, the lady just said "Oh, ok, so you'll be wanting your PAC then?"

Bye bye then, Orange. No wonder they're sacking 15% staff to cut costs, she didn't even try to get me to sign up for a cheaper plan. Damn the French, Orange was great until they bought it.

So anyway, I'm now on with T-Mobile. I rang them up on the 30th April to take advantage of the 25% off (£15 instead of £20), my mobile arrived a few days later, I charged it up, had my PAC code from Orange, and the transfer went through today. If you ring me up now, you'll now get me on my shiny new 6230i which is costing me £240+/year less. Hurrah!

Or so I thought. My mobile number now sorted out, I could register for T-Mobile online billing. Logged in, checked my account, and what is this? £17.02/month?

Yes, that's right boys and girls. 17.02 * 1.175 = £20 month. They've forgotten my 25% off. Am on hold right now while the nice chap with the Scottish accent rings through to billing.

Update: Yes, looks like they forgot to give me my 25% off. Still, all sorted now, bless them. The missing £12 of call allowance can wait until next month...

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