Trip To Bath

It's been a busy week and a bit - I'm still catching up on work from my last stay in Kent, but I'm nearly on top of everything now.

But you can't work all the time, so I took last weekend off. I headed up to Bath to meet up with lots of friends from Uni, most of whom I hadn't seen for at least 10 months - there were a few faces missing, and a few new ones, but it was great to get together again. We had a meal at Feast, then went off to the Huntsman and played pool until the wee hours. I didn't have my camera with me, but I'll probably steal Nat's photos off Flikr at some point. Looking forward to the next meeting... LAAFF 2006 in Cheltenham anyone? :)

Oh, and Laura gave me a 10 day guest pass to World of Warcraft. Erk.

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