Christmas Party

It was Leela's work Christmas party yesterday evening, and I tagged along. We had a good meal - I had turkey and christmas pudding - although it was a little on the small side. No, seriously, I didn't get enough pudding to fill an empty kinder egg. Still, I made up for it with mince pies. There was then a water fight followed by dancing and talking, where I met all of the people Leela works with. Having seen the level of professionalism displayed by the pharmacy department of the hospital, I have no worries or concerns about my upcoming maxillo-facial operation. Oh, no, none at all... ;)

We made it home at about 1.30am, and I then went to bed forgetting to do the advent calendar until this morning. Sorry about that!


Yeah i had kept on refreshing and the advent calendar just failed to come up at least there was a chrismas monkey when it finally did. ~:)


And now it's delayed again! Shame on you. ;-)


Aww, and you weren't really anyway.

At least it was only a few minutes this time!

Will try to get a few ahead :)

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