Top Quality Christmas Winamp Skin

It's a gold star tree today - very exciting! It's pelmanism (go play), and in case you are wondering, yes the characters are hidden behind trees randomly, so clicking the restart button will give you a slightly different game. And I know it doesnt make too much sense to have two Santas, but then I guess you've never been to a shopping centre at Christmas - proof that he actually can bend space/time to be in several shops at the same time. How else could he deliver all those presents anyway?

Anyway, I have just come across this Christmas-themed winamp skin that I made 7 years ago to the day (10/12/1998), and has been sitting in my web folder ever since. Originally it accompanied some of my first Christmas decorations on one of my earlier sites that have been lost deep in the sands of time. Thankfully - they weren't pretty. But if you run winamp and fancy decorating your desktop with something hideously tacky, then this is for you:

In other news, the front page of the advent calendar has been loaded 762 times, and the most popular day so far is day 5, which has been loaded a total of 112 times, 52 times on the 5th itself. Apparently far more succesful than I had expected! And thank you everyone for your comments - glad to know you're all enjoying it!



Hmm, sure I left a comment yesterday saying enjoying the calender, keep it up :)

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