Life, Universe, Everything

Hello and welcome to another exciting episode of this is my life. Today I am going to talk about nothing in particular, before rattling on about something that only I am interested in or have any clue what it is that I'm talking about, and then finishing before I fall asleep at the keyboard.

The past few days have been busy but fun. I was going to go home on Monday, but didn't leave until Tuesday because I wasn't feeling well at the weekend, so decided to put off the journey until I was convinced that I was not going to throw up all over the inside of my car while in the outside lane on the M4. And then on Wednesday it was the Roman Romp, so I decided to come back in the afternoon for that - yes, 300 miles for less than 24 hours at home, but it did allow me to pick up my windows and vice city CDs so that I could reinstall my computer, which is now working perfectly. Anyway, the Roman Romp was great fun - lots of drunk people doing drunk things, but none of that from me, oh no. Not for the wont of trying though, I did drink quite a bit, but not enough as it turned out, so my participation in the revelry was limited to wearing a toga. The rest of the past few days has been spent working, how dull.

You may have noticed in my countdown box on the left something about APM, that package manager I've been meaning to write for several years. I wanted to get it finished before I started on CAPMS, that CMS I've been meaning to write for several more years, but I decided that it was too boring to waste my time on, and that I could do it after CAPMS after all. I have therefore started work on CAPMS in earnest in my currently somewhat limited free time, and it's all starting to look rather exciting. I say 'exciting' rather than 'good', because 'good' implies I have actually done something, whereas 'exciting' is rather more ambiguous and allows me to get away with using it to describe the act of reading bits of papers and writing ideas out in a text file. It should be noted that the 42 days mentioned in the countdown box for the self-imposed CAPMS deadline is also slightly misleading; I'm planning on getting the core and a few of the important supporting scripts finished by then - the rest, all the fancy stuff, that will come later. Still, it's a start.

In other news, appears to be doing very well - lots of links have been submitted, which will keep me nice and busy. Thank you to everyone who has submitted links - I really must get on and write that bookmarklet customiser so that I know who's submitting.

And now, as promised, I will depart. To all those now on holiday, good luck with the revision and coursework!

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