Diary: March 2005

Stupid Deadlines

"Oh, end of the month? Sure, that'll be no problem."

Why did I say that?

Never mind, all done now. Well, done enough for this stage - I'll have a meeting or two before it's all finalised, which gives me time to do lots of testing. And what's more, I'm actually a week ahead of the schedule I said I'd be working to, and on time for the schedule they thought I said. Result.

Anyway, I'm tired, and since it's my birthday tomorrow (OK Peter, today), I must get my beauty sleep so ...

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It happened again

I'm 22 now! Only 10226 days until I'm 50...

After getting to bed at 7.30, waking up at 11 and working till 1, I went out for a birthday lunch with my gran and then frittered the afternoon and evening away. Not having much work for the first time in months, I checked I could complete the hotel level in hitman contracts in under 10 minutes, it being the only game I have on this computer. But I just checked my e-mail and have found out that I do actually have lots of things I should be ...

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It's been snowing all day, and it's really built up in parts. I went for a walk in the wood near my house today, and there was over 6 inches in parts! Crazy.

Photos coming soon.

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Birthday Surprise!

Yesterday afternoon Leela came over and we went into town for a Shakeaway. We went back to her house and watched a film, it was all very pleasant, and then she started to get ready to go to her friends house, who lived just around the corner from me. Well, she made some excuse to pop into my house on the way...

The living room lights were off, and I went in to find a surprise birthday party! For me! Loads of people were there, and it was surprising and fantastical, and there was food and drink and presents and ...

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We Actually Love Backups

So, I come to my computer this evening to do some work, and after about 10 minutes of listening to music and sorting things out, my computer freezes for a couple of seconds, accompanied by a loud clicking noise from the hard drive. Erk, I think to myself. I guess this hard drive is failing.

The fact that it's my seventh this year (yes, 7th) is actually a good thing, because with each failure I learn a new lesson, and it is always that I'm really going to miss the thing I just lost. After losing most of ...

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