Today, I Bought Stuff

Today, I bought a tumble dryer. This is important, because if you put clothes in a washing machine, they will come out wet. Almost as wet as outside, where our clothes line is. This is the interesting thing about our clothes line, that it's outside, since we're on the first floor, or, for those of you who are American (like this guy - NO! YOU DID NOT FIX OUR LANGUAGE, YOU STOLE IT, BROKE IT THEN TRIED TO PERSUADE THE REST OF THE WORLD THAT IT WAS BETTER!), the second floor. And for those of you english people I have confused (sorry, Stu), the first floor is the one above the ground floor, and the ground floor is the one on the ground, with the front door and stuff.

So anyway, we need a tumble dryer, since the guy I live with but don't name wants a cat, and cats go outside and get wet and then come inside and make the carpet and chairs wet, so if we do get a cat and it goes outside and gets wet, we can dry it in the tumble dryer so the carpet and chairs will be dry. And we've been at uni for about a month now, and my clothes are starting to smell, so I think I should wash them soon.

Which leads me on to the next things I bought. My clothes, socks especially, are starting to smell, and my trousers were getting very dirty. So, rather than wash them, I thought I'd buy some new ones. Socks always get lost in washing machines and tumble dryers, and trousers are just too damned hard to wash. So I bought two pairs of trousers and 3 pairs of socks - that'll last me a couple of months, easy.

One pair of trousers is neat, there are pockets on the side of the legs, which is useful because it means I have to lean over and/or pull up my trouser leg in order to get anything out of, or put anything into, the aforementioned pockets. It also means that I can't keep my hand on the pocket in busy bustly crowds to stop bad people from taking things from it.

Well, anyway, time for work.

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