
Fire fighters are going to strike, the government's saying it's dangerous and irresponsible. Thing is, fire-fighters earn between £16,941 and £21,531 per year. On average, nurses are on around £23k PA, as is a police constable who has been in the job for 5 years. Compare that to the tube drivers, who are always complaining about how they aren't being paid enough. They get £28,000 per year. Compare the training requirements and skills, strains and the risks of the two jobs... Thing is, tube drivers go on strike and the government says 'oh no, our poor businessmen, must sort it out'. But at worst, these strikes are an inconvenience at worst. If any of the vital services try to go on strike, immediately people's welbeing is put at risk. I say if it's a vital service, they should be getting more money anyway...

Thank god that under this government we'll see the biggest ever sustained increase in NHS spending and more nurses. Oh, what's that, they've been in for 5 years? Never mind, at least they bombed the crap out of some random country to rid the world of another non-capitalist government. You know, one type of bomb they drop costs more for one than they pay 6 nurses in a year...

Anyway, this is very cool :)

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