Diary: August 2002


I'm teaching again. This week I have Design and Publishing in the morning, and WWW in the afternoon.

I ALWAYS hate this course (DTP - and please note how I use all of the HTML formatting tags I can remember to subtly and yet strikingly re-enforce my point). However, so far it's going brilliantly. The kids are great, it's a small group, and they're laughing at my jokes. That, or they're laughing at me. Either way, they're enjoying themselves. That will probably change when I run out of things to tell them tomorrow at about ...

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They Suck Their Fingers

I've worked it out.

The keyboards are so sticky because they suck their fingers.

I knew it couldnt be down to sugar consumption at break times, because they'd keep a lot on their fingers, and nobody's fingers could be that bad.

No, they sit here and suck their fingers, and then wipe them over the keyboard, mouse and monitor repeatedly while searching for the 'b' key.

How lovely.

Anyway, looks like that's it for today. Time to go home. Good good. Hasn't been a bad day either :)

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Having a bad day today.

Woke up late after sleeping badly.

Got stuck behind some idiot who wanted to do 30 all the way in the 60. Then when I get to Tonbridge, the road at the entrance is being re-done, so I had to park in the road round the corner. I couldnt remember how to parallel park (heheheh, oops), eventually got in the space, got to the road and the roadworks guy told me not to press the button. Took me half an hour to get in today, usually takes me 10 minutes.

Got in and remembered that ...

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