
Having a bad day today.

Woke up late after sleeping badly.

Got stuck behind some idiot who wanted to do 30 all the way in the 60. Then when I get to Tonbridge, the road at the entrance is being re-done, so I had to park in the road round the corner. I couldnt remember how to parallel park (heheheh, oops), eventually got in the space, got to the road and the roadworks guy told me not to press the button. Took me half an hour to get in today, usually takes me 10 minutes.

Got in and remembered that I'd forgotten something I'd promised somebody.

I cant think what to do on the course. Well, I can, I just cant think how to make it last 2 days. They took out one of the labs, which took out two of my days' 'lesson plan' (if you could call it that).

Hmm, two random asian people have just walked into my computer room and started using the computers.

Argh, one of the kids is talking to himself...

Guess it's just one of those days. And I'm pretty sure it's just going to get worse.

Please send me an email or sms (if you know the number) - I'm bored and having a bad day :)

Oh, and to those of you who are getting your A-level results today, good luck :)

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