Morning Campers

Aloha. Have plugged in the radicam and got it all working, fixed a couple of bugs with the archive script, updated a couple more pages, and decided to call it a night early for once.

And FYI, the radicam will probably be on most of the time my computer is on, ie roughly about 11am -> 4am, but to those of you who are sicko fat-fetishists, you're not going to get to see me naked, now get the *&%$ off my site.

In addition, in the past I have had to set it online or offline manually using one of my admin scripts, and of course I always forget to turn it off. But I have now automated it; the radicam is only online if the image has been updated in the past minute, so now you'll know if it's really on. And since it is so much better, and will be on a lot more, I've moved it into the root menu. Woo.

And remember, the url you want (if you're using a decent browser) is

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