Giving Up

You know, sometimes I just wanna give up with all these websites? Little example of why: 6 months ago I write a script to read the sizes of images and save them into a file, it works fine. 3 months ago, I run the script (havent touched it), and it only does the first 18 images. Today I run the script (again, havent touched it), and it just fails completely.


Still, BUCS (Bath University Computer Services IIRC) have given us a firewall now, so at least my internet connection is fast. As in before, it took me over an hour to ftp a 5k file. Now it's about what it was at 9600 over my mobile...

Oh yeh, and some fag0t (go look at this, it's funny) has harvested just about every single email address I've got on the internet, spanning just about every domain I have. I'm averaging 10 spams a day now.

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