Nose, Work and That Framework Thing Again

Quick update on the nose - 6 days and still dripping. It's gradually getting better, but I wish the doctors had told me something about what was going to happen afterwards - I assume this is normal, but then Wikipedia does little to reassure. Bad Google.

Work, on the other hand, seems to be going well; I'm going to launch another new client site today that has been in development for some time, and so am gradually clearing the board to leave some time in the day to develop personal projects and to branch out a bit. Apologies if that sounds rather cryptic, but hopefully the next few months will see some of my ideas come to life.

In that spirit, having finished the latest incarnation of my framework and CMS, I've yet again gone back to the drawing board, and have decided to move back to using Perl. I figure with Ruby and Python becoming increasingly popular for web dev, most of my arguments for moving to PHP have gone out of the window, and I can no longer stand to ignore some of the things in PHP that annoy me. So it is with much relief that I'm heading back to Perl, and hope that my framework will live up to expectations (or mine, at least). And, perhaps, that at last I might be able to start releasing some code. Still needs a name though...

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