Episode 1: The Christmas Story Begins

The calendar game for today is the first installment of the mini-series story I'm doing this year, where you have to save Christmas. I had hoped to get it ready for the 1st, but the logic was a little more complicated than I'd anticipated, and adding all the little touches added time. Tracking down appropriate sound effects was particularly time consuming - I ended up at the free sound project, which is fantastic but huge. The game is now done to my satisfaction - tacky and silly and fits right in with the rest of my site ;) Hope you enjoy it - let me know what you think!

I had fun testing the AI skill level and trying to get it just right, but in the end I decided to let you change it. By the way, if you put it onto the easiest skill level and still lose, just remember that it's a game of luck! Just keep trying!

The calendar doesn't seem to be as popular this year as it was last year, which is a bit of a shame. I think it's partly to do with a trend I've been noticing with my friends from school, from Uni and online - the blogs and journals and diaries have been falling silent as people move on and become more involved in their lives away from the internet. Sad in a way, but then I guess that's life.

Still, I'll continue with the calendar because at least I'm having fun doing it, and that's the main thing isn't it ;)

Leave a comment, tell your friends, and check back for the second episode which will be coming up in the next few days!


Damn that santa. He just wants to see me naked, I know...

Hmmm, it didn't let me 'play on' after a draw...

Ahh, sorry about that Ben - noticed a bug with the draw, fixed it, but then didn't test the fix! But it is now fixed. Although I haven't tested that fix either, I'm sure that it will be fine ;)

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