Diary: December 2006

Away In A Manger

I'll be going away to Kent for the next few days now - lots of exciting meetings lined up, including one in 3 hours... Hmm, 3 hour drive, currently sitting in Cheltenham... oops. I'd better ring ahead...

Even though I won't be here, don't fret - I'll make sure the advent calendar gets updated, and I'm sure I'll still manage to check back every few hours ;)

Have a nice time, and behave yourselves while I'm gone.

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I want a Wii! :(

I'm not entirely sure why, but on my way to the bank today, I found myself staring into Game and HMV longingly, sad that I had not pre-ordered a Wii. Perhaps there are some still unsold in Cheltenham? Perhaps I could track one down? Ugh - I don't think I've ever been such a victim of marketing ;)

But they do look fun. The crowd standing around the display model in Game all had wide grins on their faces - although I'm not quite sure which they found more entertaining, the gameplay or watching the little fat boy gleefully ...

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Christmas Countdown Continues

Just a quick post to let you all know that I haven't forgotten about this Christmas Story thing, but I've had a hectic week-and-a-bit so haven't managed to get much done other than work.

This week should be a bit quieter - I've caught up with the work from when I was in Kent last week, so this week should just be some minor site upgrades, some more site migration, and sorting out my self assessment tax return - SUPER HAPPY JOY FUN! Nothing like leaving things to the last minute, eh? Yes, so I'm hoping I ...

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I Love Nandos

I love Nando's. It's cheap, fast, friendly, and the food is incredibly tasty. And, if it wasn't for the chips I insist on having whenever I go, it would be rather healthy too.

A Nando's opened in Cheltenham just before we moved here, and it's right opposite the new cinema, so sometimes we'll go over there for a Nando's followed by a film.

However, I would find it hard to justify going to Nando's for lunch every day, much as I would like to, so you can imagine my delight when I ...

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