Goodnight, Uriel

My local server Uriel is going offline now. It probably won't be back up until 1st August - if you use any of the services I provide on it, try using Qapla, I've switched most of them over to that.

Yes, so as I said... August 1st. Because BT have messed up, I cannot request my Plusnet ADSL reprovision until 25th at the earliest, which means that I can't get it until 1st August - assuming nothing else goes wrong. Which you can bet it will.

I'll still be online fairly regularly though - going to get a months t-mobile wifi pass and live in Starbucks. It's not that I'm addicted to the internet, I need it for my work. At least that's my excuse, and I'm sticking to it :)


We are missing you rads ....... well ok we are missing the talker 8-)
Qapla died ;(
MSN has never been so active. But I mustn't be insensitive as I can see you now sitting with withdrawal symtoms which can't be good for the nerves.

Don't be getting sunburned!!! talk soon

I'm still internetless - sitting in Starbucks trying to get my e-mail, but of course it's on Qapla too :p

Have tried to restart it - waiting to see if it'll work. Not looking good, sorry!

But I now have a phone line, yay! One step closer to internet goodness :)

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