Happy Birthday Leela!

It's that time of the year again - today is Leela's birthday! We have just had pain au chocolates, followed by thorntons and tropicana - every breakfast should be that good. She has also unwrapped her cards and first wave of presents - the ones from me, and she appears pleased, always good.

She has taken the day off today (a good move), as have I (although it's easy for me) and we'll be going out for lunch. Mmm. Then she will be shopping for the rest of the afternoon, and we'll be going out for tea with her mum in the evening. A fun-packed day of fun!



Cuh! Well I cared that it was my birthday! Happy Birthday to me, yayyayayayayayayay!


Us blokes struggle at times like these... do we wish someone a happy birthday and run the risk of annoying them because they're not counting years any more, or do we avoid mentioning it and get called insensitive.

You don't understand how difficult life is for blokes!


Errr, I'm only 23! Not quite on the scrapheap yet! (I hope).

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