Mmmmm, chocolate

Hi there. I'm still here. Haven't been run over by a tractor or eaten by an eagle - I have been sitting quietly, recovering from the excessive feasting and chocolate consumption, and have been doing a bit of work. I've been a bit quiet because I haven't used the internet much, due to being on an expensive mobile connection.

Being on the top of one of the highest hills in the area, we've been hit by the recent snow a bit. Not as bad as east Kent, but still, it's been up to a couple of inches, which melted a bit earlier in the week and then turned to ice, making it tricky to drive in. Still, the rain has come now and apparently the slightly warmer weather will prevail for a bit, which should mean that I'll be able to drive back to Cornwall soon. That of course means that I'll be returning to broadband, and the decorations will be coming down, so things will start to return to normal.

Hope everyone has been having a good time over the past week, and I hope you've all got something fun planned for new years eve!

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