The Roof, The Roof, The Roof Is On Fire

I came back to Sevenoaks on Sunday for a meeting today - on the way to the meeting at about 11.15, I drove past a pub that was on fire. The meeting went well, and the person from the publisher took us out for lunch which was very pleasant, I met with some other people, and then left at about 5.20. On the way back I drove past the same pub - still lots of fire engines and they were still pumping water into the building. There's a BBC news article about it here. Anyway, I'd left radio traffic information turned on, so my music was interupted just as I was getting to my home, and the local traffic report rattled on about how the road was close, so I rang them up and told them it was open! I really shouldn't get so excited about doing that, I know. I need to get out more.

Having said that, recently I've got out plenty. A couple of weeks ago I was in Geneva (belated diary post below), last week I was at home for the meeting that was cancelled and moved to today, I went out for a meal and on to the pub with some friends from Tonbridge who had a week off from uni. Then at the weekend I was back in Bath and went out to the pub and a club on Friday night for Leela's 3rd birthday, and then on Satuday went and saw Oceans' 12 which was good. All of this does mean that I am now in significant danger of missing some very imminent work deadlines, which would be a shame, so for the next week or so it's got to be busy busy busy!

In between all of that, I've also written a little bookmarklet for yay that lets you submit whatever page you are on. It's quite nifty, go look.

I have to get up early for a haircut (the only appointment he could give me was 8.45?!), I am very tired and I have a lot of work left to do, so I should get back to it. Having said that, it's thick snow outside so I probably won't be able to get into town for the appointment anyway...

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