We Like Motorways

I am getting lazy with my updates again. This is probably at least partly due to me not being bothered. I'll also blame the amount of spam I've been getting, since I seem to be spending most of my free computing time sorting that out - last month I recieved around 65,000 spams, thats an average rate of approximately 1.45 spams per minute. Impressed? So if you e-mailed me and I didn't reply, it didn't get through - try leaving a comment...

I went up to Loughborough last weekend, first time on a motorway, and it was good. A lot easier than the silly country roads, and a lot more fun too. But here's a hint: don't try and eat a flake in a hot car while going at 70mph. It melts, breaks up everywhere, and you end up getting out at a service station looking like the motorway was a little too stressful for you.

This is my last week of teaching this year; I should do some more next year, but that will depend on what I'm up to at that point! Last day tomorrow, and I'd say its come at about the right time this year, I'm getting fed up with the teaching thing again.

Still haven't finished unpacking, and I still haven't started programming. Oops.

Anyway, since I have to be up early tomorrow, I think I had better go to bed, but before I go, I'll point you at this parody of this website (thanks Sid!)

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