
I think I am suffering from hayfever; either that, or a cold that has lasted a week. Leela told me to take some Loratadine, but it's not working very well yet, so I'm still sniffing.

This week I have had lectures, I have walked up to uni each time, and had a Shakeaway every time I was in the town. It was Shakeaway's birthday yesterday - happy birthday, Shakeaway! Oh, and it was Laura's too. She had a birthday party, where it was bring-your-own food, so Tristan and I brought burgers for the barbeque. He then got very very drunk, and passed out in the middle of the floor - expect some photos of things balancing on his face.

My project is still going. Badly, but it's going... which reminds me. Really should do some work today.

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