Pub, Work and Spam

I'm just about to go off to the pub again, hopefully to see several people I haven't seen in a while, otherwise I would stay in...

Why do I have so much to do? And I'm not talking about my work at uni, nor about the tonbschl site - I mean the 20 or so double-sided pages of things I want to do but didn't have time to do when I wrote them down. Some of these lists must be going back about 6 or 7 years to before my GCSEs, and I still want to do most of them - stuff for RISC OS, stuff for my website, not to mention the other totally random things. And you know how many of them will take me at least a fortnight? All of them. Although maybe I can combine some of them, like learning how to ride a unicycle and how to play the trumpet at the same time. I wonder if there are any teachers who teach both? But anyway, I digress. I only have 32 days to do my dissertation, which is scary. More scary than that is that they said we should finish our dissertation a month in advance, which means I have 2 days to do it. Argh. I probably shouldn't go to the pub. But hey, I've been working most of today, and I am making progress, so it's not all bad.

Nearly went out at about 4 this evening to buy myself a chocolate egg, it being Easter and all, but I decided against it, I think I've eaten quite enough chocolate recently...

Ok, that's odd. I just got over 50 spams to random addresses at Random addresses like lambert@radiac, fletcher, garza, harvey, ortega, hampton, banks, ford, gibson, reyes, cross, tucker, sutton, medina, malone, fowler, little, burton, stanley, nguyen, armstrong, davidson, chapman, olson, graves, becker, wlch, frazier, carroll, duncan, vaughn, bradley, bates, hale, rhodes, stevenson, ellis, schultz, hines, vega, hunter, alvarez, hudson, burke, day, mendoza, moreno, bowman, jennings, lowe, barnett it goes on... What's up with that?! At mid-day, I was on 269 spams, and now I am on 400... looking good for breaking the 500 mark today! So far this month I have recieved 4250 spams, which is an average of about 18 spams an hour, pretty good going! And for those of you interested by these things, in the first quarter of 2004 I got 30932 spams. In the whole of 2003 I only got 41192, so it looks like I'm going to break that in a third of the year. If this keeps going and expanding at this rate, I reckon I'll be on about 30 spams per hour, and I could easily break over 25,000 spams in December alone. This year looks set to be the year of 100,000 spams... I really must set up some kind of filter...

Which reminds me - there are 1,300,925,111,156,286,160,896 ways to spell 'viagra'.



You know that death clock thing on the internet? (well actually I never looked, I don't want to know, even if it is some lame pathetic generation algorithm, let's not tempt fate!) Anyhow, you ought to make one of those.....except just make a huge countdown to the day the dissertation is due in :) Vwee hee hee!

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