*Incoherent Mumble*

It is 8.09, I've just had my shower, and in a minute will have to leave the house for university. And it is pissing it down. BAH!

By keeping the windows open for long periods of time, I have got the temperature down to something approaching cold, which is a lot nicer to sleep in. My approach to heating up to now has been you can always open a window, but I've realised that this doesnt really apply when it's raining and your only windows are over your computer and over your bed. So my new theory is that you can always put on more clothes.

Had a meeting with the tonbschl people on Tuesday; they basically said I have to catch up with the work I'm behind on, by next Tuesday, or they find someone else. Whee, only 40 emails to go!

My final year project could be going a lot better too... well, it could be going, that would be a start...

And I got another birthday present yesterday - a swiss army knife! It does everything, it's even got a magnifying glass! Now all I have to do is work out how to get it onto a plane without the airport staff arresting me for terrorism. Well, to be fair it does have a massive knife bit...

And finally, a quote from regular reader Arnie

The difference between Sly Stallone and me is I am me and he is him.
Is it any surprise this guy is my hero?


La la

Well now you have demanded that I comment, here it is! Where is that ho? I want to go for my biffstop! Anyway, ta ta!

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