Diary: February 2004

The Project, It Goes Well

I have been making good progress with my project; I have broken the implementation into 8 small chunks, where steps 1 and 7 can be stolen from the internet and step 8 is 'Go to the pub'. So yes, I like this plan. Only problem is I'm not entirely sure how step 6 works, and I very possibly missed the lab today where it was explained. Oh well, how hard can computer vision be?

On Saturday, I got a Guns and Roses cd. I'm not entirely sure why, but it has something to do with 'Paradise City' being ...

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Integrated Circuits Are The Boredom

Right, I have decided that I cannot possibly do the integrated circuits unit, because I find it boring and it's going to start needing lots of electronicsy stuff that I haven't done in years and don't particularly want to start on again. The question is what to do instead; I'm thinking since I have been to HCI and have the t-shirt (well, 5 of them), I may as well take the course too. So I have my form to change units, it will be glorious. At least until it gets to group coursework...

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