Diary: December 2003

Entry 800

In a year and a couple of weeks, I have posted 300 diary entries. No doubt some of you remember entry 500...

So, what earthshattering news can possibly be worthy of entry 800? Well, Winamp 5 final has been released. Get it, it's good.

I'm afraid that is all.

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Oops, I did it again

So anyway, I was bored again...

I looked at dabs.

I looked at my credit card.

I looked at dabs.

I looked at my credit card.

What to do...

I looked at The Coin.

I flipped The Coin.

The Coin said "BUY!"

So, on Saturday, an ipaq (HP 2210) and wifi cf card should be dropping through the letter box. Yay for The Coin!

From now on, I am going to let The Coin make all my important decisions for me, because it's obviously far wiser than me.

What's that, Coin? You want me to kill?

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My PDA has been shipped and should arrive tomorrow, dabs are SILL saying 1-3 days for the webcams (grrr), and I have been to Tescos and Sainsburys and the McDonalds drive-thru (*shudder* - don't ask).

Other than that, this week I have very efficiently done nothing.

And in a minute, I am off to the pub. Whee!

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Ipaq Goodness

My ipaq arrived today! It's small and pretty and shiny and totally doesnt work with the wifi card I bought :)

Found some beta release drivers which kinda work though, so all is not lost!

Went to the pub last night, it was crap. Going again tonight, it had better be good, otherwise I'll stay home and work next weekend. You OTs+friends have been warned...

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I love my computer

So I wake up this morning and try to turn my computer on. It goes through the normal booting stuff, gets to the last bit of the W2K booting screen thing, says 'Nope, can't read your registry, here's what I think of you...' and promptly reboots itself.

I think to myself 'Hmm, that's just not cricket.'

I reboot it, wait, it does it again. 6 times in total.

For some reason I decide to try a 7th time, and it boots up magically and without any errors.

So I have spent a lot of the rest of ...

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