Diary: October 2003

We Love Geographical Limericks

Ok, I've given up on the Moo thing, I've got 10 and probably won't get many more. Thank you for all that helped :)

So anyway, Limericks. The internet is full of them, but mostly they don't rhyme (or even worse use the same word twice) and/or have really bad rhythm. And let's face it, the only real limericks are geographical ones, ie ones that start with 'There once was a [person] from [place]'. I believe I have found the only one on the internet that doesn't suck:

There was once a man from ...

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New smess

As is traditional with these things, I have released version 1.1 of smess within a day or two of 1.0. This version does not suffer from name case sensitivity :) Also fixed a couple of other little things. There will no doubt be another new version at some point, but hopefully not just yet.

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We Love Bug Fixed

Hey, guess what? There's a new version of smess. This one doesn't let you leave empty messages >_<

We just went to the pub, it was fun. But I have a 9.15 tomorrow, so good night.

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Fushigi na tobira no mojiwa sora mimi CAKE

This is a diary entry.

Yes, once again, I have run out of things to do on the internet, so I thought I'd tell you a little of what has been going on in my life since I last posted an entry.

Well, let's see. I released another version of smess fixing yet another bug, I went to uni, had some lectures, um, had some food, uh, hmm, watched some television, urr, yeah thats pretty much it.

The title for this entry is from the lyrics of the Azumanga Daioh theme tune. This song is even more addictive ...

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