Diary: August 2003


I am drunk. Make comments that are entertaining.

The phrase 'touch wood' has many possible origins. One possiblity is that, as Tomris believes, it refers to the Christian ritual of touching a wooden crucifix. However, another possiblity is that it is derivced from an ancient pagan belief that knocking on a tree was a way to ward off evil spirits, or to call upon protective spirits who supposedly lived in certain trees.

So there you go.

Leave me comments, subject may be random. Just make it interesting and me feel loved :)

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We Love Channel 4

Thank god for informed news bulletins. Channel 4 just had a metrological expert saying it's just trapped high pressure, not global warming. He said that, historically, this is nothing special; the medieval period had a hot spell, Greenland was so called because it was green and fertile, and the Romans grew grapes at Hadrian's Wall. At last, someone not spouting hippy propaganda.

And today Arnie registered for California governer. But screw that, they should change the law and let him be president. He would rock.

"So, Mr President, what is best in life?"


Went for another barbeque ...

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Postcard Goodness

Thanks to Rachel (even more of an html/css nazi than Simon and Nat put together - she was the first person I knew to swap to using CSS for all layout, and she's even written books on stuff) for linking to these postcards. Nothing particularly ground-breaking, but nice to read and know that other people think the same as me, I must be on the right track. And they link to this colour thingy, which is very cool.

I'm teaching this weeks kids how to make websites. It's fantastic. We're learning in Frontpage. Some are doing ...

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