Went to the pub

I went to the pub anyway. I drank stuff. It was fun.

One day before the holiday courses start!

I have design and publishing, followed by computer art. Computer art's OK, but D&P is a bad one; the courses are out-dated, the kids do these things at their schools. Of the 3 courses I do, D&P is the one I like least. What a way to start... Still, after that I've only got one more D&P, with 5 computer art, 3 (possibly 4) WWW. Don't like that one much either. Think what I'll do next year, if I do it next year, will be to change the courses into one computing course, where they draw pictures and surf the internet. They'd love it, and it would be a fun course to teach. I'd like to bring back the BASIC course, or some other kind of programming; that was fun too, but the problem with it is that there's too much of a skill range there, especially to teach them programming in 8 hours...

Ahhhh. So, holiday courses again. First year was bad because I was new at it, and the kids were a nightmare. Second year was bad because I changed the courses, and the kids were a nightmare. Third year was bad because the kids were a nightmare, oh, and the aircon broke down in the middle of a heatwave and I had a couple of them pass out. This is the fourth year. Easter was bad, because the kids were a nightmare. Damn I'm looking forward to this lot. I'm sure everything will be fantastic and I won't end up a crazy person.

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