Diary: June 2003

New flag MADNESS

This has to be the most insane suggestion for racial equality I have ever heard. My favourite comment is from Paul, Great Britain. Roll out the Nazi accusations to win the argument - works every time :)

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I'm going home today.

Bye bye people I won't see for a year or so, hope you have a great time on your placements, and I'll see you sometime when you get back :)

Guess I should start packing now...

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Totally Addicted to DVDs

I examined my DVDs today as I was putting them back on my shelf with the other ones. I discovered three problems:

  1. My DVD shelf is full.
  2. My DVD shelf is full
  3. I have no DVDS beginning with the letters K, N, Q, V, X or Y
Problem 1 is concerning the fact that I have no space for my next DVD, which will be DVD #123.

Problem 2, on the other hand, relates to the hole in my bank account...

Problem 3 is now partially solved... Oops... But there's no decent DVDs starting with a Y...

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So, a normal evening at the Terry household... my dad comes over, and drops into the conversation that he bought a guitar as part of a lot at an auction, it's in the car, would I like it, so we go out to take a look. So we go to the door and walk out to the car.

It's about that time I notice a police car parked outside the house.

Immediately I realise how stupid I have been to not build the fileserver into a microwave. I start trying to think of excuses, "I've never seen ...

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