Not a happy bunny

OK, so I'm up till 2am writing up a bit of my group software project. Then I start my graphics coursework. I get maybe an hour sleep, get up again and continue with the graphics coursework. My compilers coursework is due in at 13:00. So I stop working at 12:00, knowing I have to print out my graphics, and seeing as mir melted (thats the printer server), I have to get my laptop to print it. So I take the laptop downstairs, plug it into the printer, and print it. For once, things are going my way. Sure, it's about 7 pages too short, and I'm missing most of the stuff I should have, but mehhh, it's close enough.

So anyway, I leave the house at 12:20. Plenty of time. If I run. So I run down the hill. From my home to the bus stop. There's a bus there. I'm in luck. I run to the bus door. I reach for my bus pass.

He shuts the door.

I wave at him frantically.

He waves me away.

I plead best I can without being able to speak to him.

He ignore me.

So I think 'Hey, it would be good if I ran across bath to get to the next bus stop before him'. But, of course, I dont make it (I'm kinda tired after the hill), so I run back to the main bus stop just in time to get the next bus.

This bus stops at every stop on the way.

I arrive on campus at 12:56.

I walk across campus to the computer department. I arrive at the office at 12:58.

They shut the door.

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