I did stuff

Tested Red Squirrel 0.65tr2 today. Which was fun.

Also got another email from barclaycard; in case I haven't mentioned it before, the credit limit on my barclaycard is pitifully low, so I've been trying everything to get it higher. Spending patterns - maxing it out every month and paying it off immediately, maxing it out and leaving it for months, paying it off and leaving it for months etc. That didnt work, so I tried contacting them. They told me to go to the 'Request new credit limit' section in the 'my account' part. I replied it wasnt there, and today, I got the following reply:

I am sorry to hear you cannot locate the section headed CREDIT LIMIT
Yes, that's because it isn't there.

it is there
No, no it's not. *sigh* Think I'll ring them again; hopefully this time they'll be more helpful than telling me to go into my nearest barclays bank and pay it off halfway through the month...

And this has a rather 'wag the dog' feel about it... Still, nice to see some positive news for a change.

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