I have an hour, and I'm going to write an entry

Wednesday was fun. I'm kinda part of the committee of the new computer science society here at Bath - I say kinda, because I get to make up my title and decide what I do. We have christened the comittee the kernel, and as Peter said, that kinda makes us modules :p

Anyway, Wednesday was the first day that we did anything apart from have meetings and talk about setting things up and set things up - we had a social. Plan was we'd go down to Quasar at 6pm, shoot each other and have fun. We got there at 6pm, and found that our social secretary hadn't booked it, so we went to a pub for an hour and a half, we drank, and then we went back over to Quasar. We arrived to find our opponents already waiting for us; they were about 8. We remained sure of our superiority, both in skill and numbers, and with our two veterans (Andy and Tony) we weren't discouraged even when we heard them chatting about their previous skirmishes. Some of us made a beeline for the toilets (remember the drinking?), while the rest of our team sat and watched the instruction video. We returned just in time to hear the instructor guy say 'OK, the teams are a bit unbalanced... would anyone on the Red team like to swap to the green?'. And of course, Andy and Tony swapped. At this point we did start to lose our nerves. Never mind... we went in anyway, and defended our base mercillesly. It was fun. Simon did Van-Damme-style slides and scared the kids, but Nat got tripped up by one of the evil little bastards, and hurt her knee. I ran around in a state of perpetual confusion (no change there), and shot at things. My top score was 27000 and something. You lose 100 points every time you get shot. I ended up with 6000ish. We walked out with the silly little kids gloating and saying how crap we were and how they'd won. Imagine our glee when we found out we had won. It was a glorious victory. You know what's best in life? To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women.

It's my birthday tomorrow. I'm going to be 20.

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