Don't You Want To Know How We Keep Starting Fires?

Was playing draughts against dan yesterday on his talker, and he seemed to have me beat - he had 3 kings and 2 non-kings, I had 1 king + 2. Well, I took out one of his non-kings, kinged one of mine, took one of his kings and kinged the other one, leaving us 3 kings v 3. I was going to crush him, it was going to be a glorious comeback and a slow, painful bone-crushing victory!

Talkers have a user hierarchy, with the HCA (hard coded administrator) at the top, ie the person who wrote it. Dan is the HCA of the talker. The HCA needs commands to help new people out when they have problems, and one of those commands is force. So, if typing 'draughts quit' would have

made him quit draughts and lose the game, you can probably guess what 'force radiac draughts quit' did.

I was not happy.


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