Paint The Whole World With A Rainbow ~doo de doobe doo doobe doo dee~

Well, no posts for a few days since I've been busy. And now I'm doing one, I cant remember what I've done, so this'll be fairly boring.

I'm bored. Nearly finished another website for Tonbschl, watched some of the professionals episodes, and started a new set of lectures. I'm supposed to spend over £160 on books for the modules this semester.

And amazon is evil - no wonder they've started to make a profit. I went there to price up the books. They have kept a record of every book I've ever looked at and worked out what I was likely to want, and put these lists of things I might like on every page. And it nearly worked too - on every page, I saw more books I wanted. If I'd bought everything I saw and thought 'ooh!', my order would have easily been over £300. Pain. But luckily I'm getting better at stopping myself from making foolish purchases.

Yesterday, I bought eight 6-packs of volvic (48 bottles) from Tescos online. Well, I had to, my order was only £25, and I had a £5 off token for an order of over £50.

I'm going to buy an LCD/VFD display, hook it into my machine and keep it showing me RSS feeds. It'll be kew. Pretty useless, but should only cost £80 or so...

Been playing with my graphics tablet a bit more, and have been teaching myself to draw! And let me tell you, I'm getting pretty damned good. I've got rectangles and triangles down, and elipses are really coming along fast! Like I said a little while ago, I'll put some stuff on here sometime soonish :)

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