Since We've Got No Place To Go, Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow...

Hello people!

POST 500!

And as a thank you to you frequent visitors who keep me going, I trawled Google image search, without SafeSearch filtering, to bring you a very special Christmas card as a thank you:

Good, now that we've got that out of the way and I've secured my cell in the hot burny place, I happily announce that the TCMI has, once again, started spreading like a virus throughout the internet. Or at least it's made it to, Shewolf's Emmerdale fan site and :)

If there are any more sightings of the Tacky Christmas Music Interface, please let me know :) And if you want to use the TCMI on your site, you can get it from, and then let me know so I can add a sighting here :)

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