I Am Insignificant

Just had a Maths for Apps exammy thing. 4 short questions, if you know the stuff it'll take you about 15 minutes, so it's not much of an exam. But it does count towards the final mark, so it's not completely insignificant. Pretty insignificant, but not insignificant. By the way, I put insignificant onto the clipboard, so I'm going to try to get the word 'insignificant' into this as many times as the word 'insignificant' could be fitted into an insignificant diary entry without the word 'insignificant' getting annoying, and its meaning becoming insignificant (this occurrence wasn't my idea, someone insignificant suggested it), which would be a shame, since 'insignificant' is not an insignificant word. But it is fairly insignificant... this year counts for 40% of our overall mark iirc. 10 modules this year, so this module counts for 4% of my overall mark. Coursework counts for 40% of that 4%, and there are 5 bits of coursework. So it's pretty insignificant.


Going home for an un-insignificant (yes, I know it's cheap, but its insignificant in the grand scheme of things) party (Growse's girlfriend) and an otherwise insignificant few days or so.

Apparently an un-insignificant problem had caused the un-insignificant train service from Bath to Paddington to fail earlier... my great aunt knew some people who were turned back to London, told me. Which was nice, but, as it turns out, insignificant. The insignificant Railtrack website told me that a car drove onto the track. That must be really scary. Hope that never makes my guide to driving, or at least if it does, I get to put it in ;)

Anyway, have another insignificant lecture now, then off home.

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