Search Engine Referals

It's that time of the month again, the time when I go looking through my logs. And once again, we've got rather a mixed bag.

Let's start off well... a page on is the only one returned by a Google search for 'fux0r j00 b14ch' (incidentally, the page is also top for 'sux0r h4x0r', an amazing 2nd for 'f4g0t', and 4th for j00 sux0r)...

And once again, there are the results that make me go 'How the hell do these freaks a) not get arrested b) get to my site with these searches?!:

How can I get my dog to stop scratching me?

fuck my sister sleep pill

haking into shit

sevenoaks lingerie

explain how to jackof

drink cum from spoon movies downloads

little sister lick slit

suck hot piss dick pigs

i want to marry a fat girl

how many calories do i burn when i masturbate (as well as 'do you burn calories if you masturbate' and 'when i masturbate how many calories do i burn'... this guy's persistent...)

Still, it's good to know that there are still some people out there with a decent taste in music, with referals for 'maybe tomorrow i'll want to settle down' and 'there's a voice that keeps on calling me' (see Satanic Songs).

And, of course, the ones that comes up every time, 'sex underwater' and 'underwater sex'.

Soon I'll make a page with exciting search stats on it. That'll be fun, won't it, kids.

Oh, and by the way, in case I forgot to mention it when I did it (which I'm certain I did), I did a crap wap site on ages ago. I'll do more to it eventually.

Well, I guess that now I should go downstairs and help the landlord change the cooker...

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