Nothing much

Nothing much, just felt like posting a diary entry.

Watched a few films today and yesterday, including '2001', 'A Clockwork Orange' and 'The Whistle Blower' (last one's only £5 from hmm, they should be paying me, what with me keeping them in the black and advertising for free to boot). All quite good.

There was a good story linked from slashdot basically about how Mr Lucas of Star Wars fame is an unimaginative literary theiving bastard (no offence intended, frequent reader George), and how he should give credit where it's due, with the authors of stories he's ripped chunks out of, and stuck together with a large tube of super-glue and a couple of rolls of Selotape. And from there I found a story about a Star Wars fan who disliked Episode 1 so much he recut it and released it on the internet as 'The Phantom Edit'. Interesting, very interesting. Also very sad.

Speaking of being sad, I've spent my day working on a website which I'm very possibly never going to see go live, let alone see any money for. They don't like the first version, and whether the second version ever sees light of day (and I get any money) depends on how fast I can get it finished, and that depends on how fast people give me information to put on the site. Ie I'm very possibly never going to see it go live...

And I'm still enjoying ADSL. Must be about to hit 10gb total downloaded, thats ignoring what I must have uploaded... steady 10kb/sec for the past week and a half? Ow...

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