
Well, I'm enjoying ADSL, and I managed to max it out just now :)

Had a good weekend; went to a LAN on Saturday, played games for a few hours, then I went to the pub and drank. Got home, plugged in my computer, tried to go on the internet, realised I wasn't on the network, so plugged it in... that was fun... Woke up today and realised I was on the 10mbit hub rather than the 100mbit switch (which I took to the lan in case it was going to be useful)... swapped them over. And to think you didn't believe me when I said I have an exciting life... Shaun just brought Mir back to me (I left it at the lan for some people to use for, um, backup purposes). In case you didn't know, Mir is my uni linux machine... A linux machine with a 160gb hard drive on a 100mbit internet connection...

Aaaaaaaanyway, went to see Collateral Damage today. When you hear the plot, you think 'Oh, standard Arnie film' - someone kills his wife and kids, he goes off on a killing spree. Well, if you think that, go watch this film - you'll be pleasantly surprised. Because it's exactly what you were hoping for, but persuading yourself that Hollywood would have messed up with some romance or over-complicated story line. OK, to be honest, the beginning is cheesy and crap. But it gets better quite quickly, and there are some classic lines in there. Worth watching :)

And I would just like to say that my 7up at the Odeon really really sucked tonight. It was carbonated water; I'm pretty sure someone forgot to put the syrup in.

BTW, thanks to everyone who sent me an email after my desperate plea for emails. Thanks Ben Charlton and radiac...

What else? Oh yeh, took the duck test:

Aw, cheer up little ducky. Why so glum?

And last, but certainly not least, thanks to Something Awful for todays link... go here and watch the 'Hooked on a feeling' video... you will be truly impressed :)

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