Radicam online

I've turned the radicam on again for the first time in months.

And what's more, I have no idea when I'll turn it off. I'm planning on leaving it plugged in and turned on for pretty much the rest of the holiday... Yeh, a 24/7 one. Although from about 2am to 10am GST, it'll be pretty damn boring (but you'll get to see my room go from darkness into daylight... woo, won't that be exciting :p). So sorry if you're one of those strange people who live in a part of the world where this is your surfing time :p

Don't know why tho, nobody watches it :p Actually I probably do - I'd guess I do it because of a feeling of insecurity, loneliness and the desire for attention... but that's beside the point. If, for some strange and unknown reason, you want to watch, the url you want to use is (if your browser supports javascript) http://radicam.radiac.net/popup.

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