We Really Love BT

Ok, so on 03/07 I contacted BT to say that I was taking over the tenancy of my flat, would they please connect the phone line, which had been disconnected by the landlord a few days before. They said yes, that would be lovely, activated it on 04/07 and then sent us a bill on 06/07. Bless.

So, on 06/07, satisfied that the line was now working and that it was in my name, I went ahead and ordered ADSL. I recieved an email on 13/07 saying that BT had now activated adsl on my line and that I could connect.

So, today being the first time I've been here with any amount of time to do anything other than build flat-packs, I tried to set up my adsl router. I plugged it in, waited for it to sync, and... well, nothing. I'm still waiting for it to sync.

So I ran up plusnet, worried that Benc's prophesy had come true already. He checked through his system, and there it was.

BT had ceased my ADSL service on 25/07.

Yes, that's right - despite me clearly being the owner of the line for the past 21 days, they decided that it must have actually been the previous occupant who ordered an ADSL connection 2 weeks after disconnecting his phone line and moving out, and that it should therefore be terminated as part of the disconnection process.

Yeah. Thanks for that.

The insult did not end there, however. I rang them up, but because my phone is running out of battery, I used their service where they would call you back within half an hour. This was at 5.30 this evening. I waited till about 6.30, then re-requested it. I waited and waited, had my tea, continued waiting, and have just tried ringing them again, only to find they all buggered off home at 8pm. Nice.

So I'm back to 56k modem, and it hurts. Still haven't quite worked out how I'm going to synchronise my server here with my ones elsewhere to get an up-to-date version of my work - my local store here is several tens of MB out. Living with broadband makes you forget just how slow 56k is.

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